Cholistan desert

Due to the name “CHOL”‘s Turkish derivation, which implies desert, the meaning of Cholistan is Land of the Desert. The Cholistani people have a semi-nomadic or nomadic style of life; they constantly move from one region to another, extending their stays when they find plentiful water and pastures for their animals. The tremendous Cholistan Desert is frequently named the Rohi Desert.

Geological Location

The desert is located in Punjab’s southern region in Pakistan. Among the biggest deserts in Pakistan, it occupies 26,300 square kilometers. From the southeast of Punjab into the northern corner of Sindh province, the Cholistan Desert runs.

Historical significance

The desert has historical value as it lies along the historic trade routes that connected Central Asia with the Indian subcontinent. The famous ancient city of Derawar Fort is situated in the Cholistan Desert, helping as an example of the region’s rich history. The fort’s structure is an important draw for travelers and stands as a testament to the architectural prowess of the past.

Weather Condition

The region experiences extreme temperatures, with scorching hot summers and cold winters. The Cholistan Desert is known for its rolling dunes, shrubs, and occasional areas of vegetation. It is identified by its dry and harsh landscape. Sandy plains, rocky outcrops, and limited vegetation all make it to the terrain.


The Cholistan Desert has experienced an increase in tourism over the past few years as more people travel there to take in the unique landscape, go on camel safaris, and experience traditional cultural events such as the Cholistan Desert Rally. The rally is an annual motorsport event that attracts competitors from all over the world.


The Cholistan Desert’s culture is so remarkable and magnificent that it stands out tremendously. The women in the area generally specialize in wearing brightly colored clothing with extremely delicate needlework, while the males wear multicolored turbans.

Cholistan desert

Source of Income

Only the cattle breeding industry and its associated enterprises are the main sources of income. This supply satisfies the desire for milk, butter, and animal fats. There are around 1.6 million cattle in the region, and if the government makes special efforts to improve this region’s productivity, the number of cattle can be readily expanded to a significant level. As there are fewer animals and harsher weather during the winter, people turn to different artistic pursuits like weaving fabric, making pottery, and working with leather. Due to the excellent soil and variety of products produced here, including pitchers, Surahies, glasses, and piyalas, the pottery industry is prospering.

The region produces wool of exceptional quality for carpets. It is used to make exquisite carpets, rugs, and other winter accessories. As the temperature drops below freezing and nears the freezing point, blankets are also produced to satisfy the demands of the hard winter. To generate income, sheep’s wool is sold. The region produces a variety of textile products, including fine-grade Khaddar bedclothes and Khaddar fabrics.


Despite being dry, the Cholistan Desert is home to a variety of animals, including rodents, birds, and reptiles. Additionally, it is well renowned for its camel population, which is essential to the local society’s finance and lifestyle.

Several nomadic categories, particularly the Cholistanis and the tribes that raise camels, live in the Cholistan Desert. These groups maintain a semi-nomadic existence, roaming with their herds of cattle in search of water and pastures to graze. They have adapted to the harsh surroundings of the desert.

Future of Cholistan Desert

The Cholistan and Thar Desert habitat has undergone conservation attempts, such as initiatives for reforestation, preservation of wildlife, and tourism that utilizes environmentally friendly methods. These efforts aim to maintain the delicate imbalance between civilization and the delicate desert habitat.

Final Thoughts

Overall, the Cholistan Desert in Pakistan is a fascinating and distinctive desert terrain that gives tourists a chance to witness desert life, a rich cultural legacy, and the breathtaking natural beauty of the area.

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